End-to-end transport logistics
From storage to process control to transport - we support you in the complete supply chain management in transport logistics. With our many years of industrial experience, our own fleet and global logistics network, we reduce your administrative costs and give you transparency and reliability.
Demo pool service for technical equipment
Who doesn't like to test a technical device before buying it? With our demo pool service, you can easily present technical devices to customers, check the availabilities in the system, store devices with us and have them transported and installed by us.
LGI Technical Logistics delivers for the drupa
LGI Technical Logistics (TLO) has many customers from the printing technology sector. For them, the drupa trade fair is of the utmost importance. TLO has adapted to this and helped with an extra team to make the customers’ trade fair appearance successful.
ReuseIT for a second life
ReuseIT brings ecology and economy into harmony. With the refurbishment of your used IT equipment, old equipment can be resold, individual components reused or recycled.
Career at PTS
Interested in digitalisation and process optimisation? We are business enablers and drivers. We support the improvement of any IT infrastructure and take care of the optimisation and digitalisation of existing processes and more.
As PTS (Process and Technology Solutions), we are a business enabler and driver for our internal customers at the various locations, offering them turnkey and holistic “end-2-end” solutions from a single source – from both a process and digital perspective.
With agile project methods and against the background of our lean management system, we accompany the entire life cycle of our diverse logistics services from the tender to commissioning to support and improvements in daily operations.
The spectrum of our central overall organization includes various logistics and factory planning processes, the selection, development, launch, operation and support of any IT infrastructure and software solutions, the optimization and digitalization of existing process flows as well as qualification offers for our employees.
Twój kontakt
Head of Process & Technology Solutions and Strategy
Christoph Frank
+49 7032 2291630
You move great things – we offer a lot.
At our company, the “New Normal” is already a reality – flexible mobile working combined with teamwork in the office.
As a dual student, can you just chat with the Head of PTS and give him a call? That’s completely normal and welcome here.
We don’t do “meet-to-death” but have a focus on getting things live quickly and successfully. 80/20 on 100% quality and customer satisfaction.
Whether through the digital learning platform Udemy, as well as through internal and external training opportunities, we keep you up to date for new challenges.
We are in the process of launching future-proof IT platforms (e.g. Workday, Microsoft O365 & Power platform, UiPath, Crowdstrike) and cutting out old habits.
End-to-end integrated optimization of process and IT instead of “Digitize a stupid process”.
Current vacancies in PTS at the Herrenberg and Schwaig (near Munich) sites can be found under Careers (myworkdayjobs.com)
We are always happy to receive unsolicited applications for the following profiles.
When can I start? Immediately!
We have convinced you and you want to become part of the LGI success story? Then apply now via our career portal. We look forward to getting to know you!
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