End-to-end transport logistics
From storage to process control to transport - we support you in the complete supply chain management in transport logistics. With our many years of industrial experience, our own fleet and global logistics network, we reduce your administrative costs and give you transparency and reliability.
Demo pool service for technical equipment
Who doesn't like to test a technical device before buying it? With our demo pool service, you can easily present technical devices to customers, check the availabilities in the system, store devices with us and have them transported and installed by us.
Bronze medal for our commitment to sustainability
If you want to improve, you should regularly allow an honest look from the outside – and that is exactly what we have done. We had our sustainability performance scrutinized by EcoVadis. As a result, the LGI Group was awarded the bronze medal in November 2024.
ReuseIT for a second life
ReuseIT brings ecology and economy into harmony. With the refurbishment of your used IT equipment, old equipment can be resold, individual components reused or recycled.
Career at PTS
Interested in digitalisation and process optimisation? We are business enablers and drivers. We support the improvement of any IT infrastructure and take care of the optimisation and digitalisation of existing processes and more.
Who doesn’t like to test a technical device before buying it? Relying on recommendations and reviews from others is only of limited value when making a purchase decision. Cars can be test-driven. But who wouldn’t like to try out a washing machine, for example, before making a purchase decision? The higher the investment, the more important such a service is. LGI’s customers also feel this need, which is why the company has developed a comprehensive demo pool service and uses it for its customers in the medical technology sector, among others.
LGI is the central service provider for the logistical processes of a well-known company that manufactures products for ophthalmology and microsurgery. This includes, among other things, the management of the entire European demo pool. This includes a range of devices which are exhibited at trade fairs common in the industry on the one hand, and on the other hand are loaned out to interested end-customers to test them during operations. The possibility of being able to use the equipment in his own working environment before purchasing it is of considerable benefit to the prospective buyer. They can better assess the technology, which leads to a greater willingness to buy.
To make the process as simple as possible, LGI provides the customer’s sales representatives with a demo pool management system, which is LGI’s own product. The salesperson can use this online at the end customer’s site and immediately check the availability of a device via a calendar function and book it accordingly.
The storage of the demo pool devices as well as the related accessories takes place at an LGI location, which is especially certified for the handling of medical devices. Before a device leaves the warehouse for the prospective customer, customer- & country-specific device settings and equipment are ensured. This includes, among other things, the setting of the appropriate language on the device, special cables and the on-demand printing and binding of user manuals in the respective language of the country. The equipment is then transported to the customer in air-suspended box trucks. Delivery is made to the point of use. This can be a medical facility, a laboratory or even a trade fair.
Twój kontakt
Head of Division Electronics & Healthcare
Martina Weihing
+49 7032 2291 580
At the place of use, the device is unpacked from the specially designed box. This is followed by assembly (e.g. attaching components), installation (including connecting the device to the power supply and putting it into operation) and return of the empty box by our technically trained drivers.
At the end of the rental period, usually two to three weeks, LGI proactively takes care of the return, dismantles the device, packs it in the designated box and returns it to the demo pool warehouse. There, after the goods have been received by LGI technicians, a thorough disinfection, a functional test, which is individually adapted to each type of device, and the certified deletion of the customer data take place. The device is then put back into storage before it is prepared for the next interested party or a trade fair for demonstration purposes.
All employees involved in the process chain, i.e., warehouse and driving personnel as well as technicians, are specially trained. They receive equipment-specific training and must regularly complete e-learning courses. In addition to the services described above, LGI and its staff provide further technical services, such as the initial installation of a new device, or the half-yearly maintenance of all demonstration devices.
The customer benefits from fully functional devices that can be used at any time. In addition, the demo pool service is a valuable component for the sales department in the context of consulting and contributes to confidence on the part of subsequent equipment users.
With this innovative demo pool service, LGI offers all B2B and B2C companies that sell devices considerable added value in the sales process, which also has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Suppliers of medical technology, as well as other technical devices, can benefit from LGI’s extensive experience. Our concepts are tailored to the needs of our customers and take into account a holistic end to-end approach, which becomes a key unique selling proposition.
Contact us, we will also develop an individual demo pool service for your needs in a flexible and user-friendly way and handle it Europe-wide and even globally. Let your end customers feel right from the start that not only the equipment is first class, but also the related logistics!
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