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On 2 February 2022, the Swiss Federal Council decided that there will be no more import duties for industrial products in Switzerland from the beginning of 2024. The abolition of industrial tariffs is intended to strengthen Switzerland as a business location and support the revival of the economy after the crisis; at the same time, the complex customs tariff for industrial products will also be simplified.
The measures facilitate the import of industrial products and give companies access to cheaper inputs from abroad. In addition to strengthening Switzerland as a business location, the measures are primarily intended to reduce costs for consumers and the economy as well as lower administrative costs.
From 1 January 2024, all import duties on industrial products of customs tariff chapters 25 to 97 will be abolished, with a few exceptions in the area of industrially produced agricultural products in customs tariff chapters 35 and 38. In addition to saving customs duties, the abolition enables simplified and less time-consuming customs clearance for companies by eliminating special procedures (e.g. temporary importation, inward processing). The planned reduction of customs tariff numbers from the current 6,172 tariff lines to 4,592, which will come into force from January 2024, represents a further simplification.

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Head of Corporate Communication & Marketing
Thomas Bogner
+49 8122 567 1131