End-to-end transport logistics
From storage to process control to transport - we support you in the complete supply chain management in transport logistics. With our many years of industrial experience, our own fleet and global logistics network, we reduce your administrative costs and give you transparency and reliability.
Demo pool service for technical equipment
Who doesn't like to test a technical device before buying it? With our demo pool service, you can easily present technical devices to customers, check the availabilities in the system, store devices with us and have them transported and installed by us.
LGI Technical Logistics delivers for the drupa
LGI Technical Logistics (TLO) has many customers from the printing technology sector. For them, the drupa trade fair is of the utmost importance. TLO has adapted to this and helped with an extra team to make the customers’ trade fair appearance successful.
ReuseIT for a second life
ReuseIT brings ecology and economy into harmony. With the refurbishment of your used IT equipment, old equipment can be resold, individual components reused or recycled.
Career at PTS
Interested in digitalisation and process optimisation? We are business enablers and drivers. We support the improvement of any IT infrastructure and take care of the optimisation and digitalisation of existing processes and more.
As soon as electronic devices are to be installed or regularly checked, our hardware and software service comes into play. Our electronics services include, for example, software refueling, testing, repair or even maintenance of IT devices.
LGI offers services that will add value and are tailored to individual customer needs. We provide you with comprehensive additional services for electronic devices from a single source. Whether you need to assemble complete servers, roll out point-of-sale systems (from an administrative and technical perspective), or carry out installation and training at the customer’s site – we take care of the software updates, and test and certify the devices.
We ensure that the goods are delivered on time and that the devices are installed and serviced by trained technicians who can work flexibly at the user’s site.
Our electrical engineers and logistics experts reduce costs and risks during the distribution of electronic hardware. We organize the return transport of old devices at the end of their service lives. Whether the work involves reuse, refurbishment, or disposal – we provide you with solutions so that you can concentrate on your core business. We determine the residual value for resale through our partner network.
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Kötelező mező.
Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes URL-t.
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A limit {limit} karakter. Fennmaradó karakterek: {remaining}.
A limit {limit} szó. Fennmaradó szavak: {remaining}.
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A fájl túllépi a maximálisan engedélyezett méretet. Nincs feltöltve.
Kérjük, adja meg az időt 12 órás formátumban AM/PM (pl. 8:45 AM).
Kérjük, adja meg az időt 24 órás formátumban (pl. 22:45).
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Üzenete elküldve. A lehető leghamarabb felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot.
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