End-to-end transport logistics
From storage to process control to transport - we support you in the complete supply chain management in transport logistics. With our many years of industrial experience, our own fleet and global logistics network, we reduce your administrative costs and give you transparency and reliability.
Demo pool service for technical equipment
Who doesn't like to test a technical device before buying it? With our demo pool service, you can easily present technical devices to customers, check the availabilities in the system, store devices with us and have them transported and installed by us.
Bronze medal for our commitment to sustainability
If you want to improve, you should regularly allow an honest look from the outside – and that is exactly what we have done. We had our sustainability performance scrutinized by EcoVadis. As a result, the LGI Group was awarded the bronze medal in November 2024.
ReuseIT for a second life
ReuseIT brings ecology and economy into harmony. With the refurbishment of your used IT equipment, old equipment can be resold, individual components reused or recycled.
Career at PTS
Interested in digitalisation and process optimisation? We are business enablers and drivers. We support the improvement of any IT infrastructure and take care of the optimisation and digitalisation of existing processes and more.
LGI Whistleblower reporting system
We are pleased that with our whistleblower reporting system Hintbox we can offer a trustworthy and transparent process when dealing with compliance notices. Hintbox is part of the comprehensive Compliance Management System (CMS) within the Elanders Group, which also includes the LGI Group. A compliance notice is understood to be a suspicion of a possible criminal offense, such as fraud or corruption, or other relevant rule violations that have a connection to LGI Group or its employees. Corruption crimes in particular cause considerable damage not only to the LGI Group, but also to our society.
Compliance notices reported in Hintbox – even anonymously – can help to stop ongoing violations more quickly and prevent future violations.
Hintbox allows simple communication between the LGI Group and the whistleblowers in compliance with data protection regulations. As a whistleblower, you can decide for yourself to whom your report should be addressed: The LGI company concerned by the violation, or alternatively to LGI Logistics Group International GmbH as the parent company or Elanders AB as the group parent company.
Reports to the LGI company concerned will only be received by the relevant operational member of the management of that company. Reports to LGI Logistics Group International GmbH go exclusively to the Legal & Compliance department, whereas reports to Elanders AB are the responsibility of the Vice President – Group Business Control, as the person in charge.
Compliance notices can be submitted by all LGI Group employees as well as company outsiders who come into contact with LGI Group activities (for example, customers or service providers).
Compliance notices can be reported not only through Hintbox, but also through the following communication channels.
Elanders AB
Att. CFO
Flöjelbergsgatan 1C
SE-431 35 Mölndal
It is important that we strictly adhere to the “need-to-know principle” as well as the confidentiality requirement according to EU-DSGVO and Whistleblower Protection Act.
Please note that customer complaints are not part of compliance notices. For such complaints, please contact your LGI contact.
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Kötelező mező.
Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes URL-t.
Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes e-mail címet.
Ez az e-mail cím nem érvényes.
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Ön túllépte a megengedett kiválasztások számát: {#}.
A limit {limit} karakter. Fennmaradó karakterek: {remaining}.
A limit {limit} szó. Fennmaradó szavak: {remaining}.
Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes telefonszámot.
A fájltípus nem engedélyezett.
A fájl túllépi a maximálisan engedélyezett méretet. Nincs feltöltve.
Kérjük, adja meg az időt 12 órás formátumban AM/PM (pl. 8:45 AM).
Kérjük, adja meg az időt 24 órás formátumban (pl. 22:45).
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Az üzenetet nem sikerült elküldeni. Kérjük, közvetlenül vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot.
Üzenete elküldve. A lehető leghamarabb felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot.
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