ATLAS Release 10.1
The end of the so-called “soft migration” to ATLAS 10.1 was originally scheduled for the end of October 2023 in Germany. It has now been postponed to the end of November 2023. This means that all ATLAS users must have switched to the new release by then. This was organised for the entire LGI Group by the central Customs Competence Center.
The German customs administration regularly carries out release changes in the various procedural areas in order to implement the legal requirements of the Union Customs Code (UCC) in IT solutions on the one hand and to incorporate technical developments into communication on the other. For example, ATLAS will also be accessible via web service in some areas in future.
The changeover to ATLAS 10.1 includes extensive changes in the area of transit procedures. For example, the MRN (Master Reference Number) will now be used instead of the ATLAS registration number. Until the final transition to the MRN, a field for the MRN will be included in addition to the field for the registration number. If an internal reference number is available, this will be replaced by an LRN (Local Reference Number) in future.
An additional hierarchy has been introduced in the shipping procedure; the header and item data is preceded by a collective consignment as a summary of all shipping procedures for a transport. This can bring advantages in the forwarding environment, especially if you are able to process the data automatically afterwards.
The organisational advantages will certainly become apparent after the familiarisation phase. A detailed list of all adjustments can be found in the change list for the EDI implementation manual for ATLAS release 10.1 on the website of the German customs administration.
If you need support, would like to discuss our experiences with us or are thinking about outsourcing your customs applications completely, for example to save the effort of changing releases, we will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance at any time.
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Head of Corporate Communication & Marketing
Thomas Bogner
+49 8122 567 1131