End-to-end transport logistics
From storage to process control to transport - we support you in the complete supply chain management in transport logistics. With our many years of industrial experience, our own fleet and global logistics network, we reduce your administrative costs and give you transparency and reliability.
Demo pool service for technical equipment
Who doesn't like to test a technical device before buying it? With our demo pool service, you can easily present technical devices to customers, check the availabilities in the system, store devices with us and have them transported and installed by us.
LGI Technical Logistics delivers for the drupa
LGI Technical Logistics (TLO) has many customers from the printing technology sector. For them, the drupa trade fair is of the utmost importance. TLO has adapted to this and helped with an extra team to make the customers’ trade fair appearance successful.
ReuseIT for a second life
ReuseIT brings ecology and economy into harmony. With the refurbishment of your used IT equipment, old equipment can be resold, individual components reused or recycled.
Career at PTS
Interested in digitalisation and process optimisation? We are business enablers and drivers. We support the improvement of any IT infrastructure and take care of the optimisation and digitalisation of existing processes and more.
IT remarketing is the recycling and repurchase of IT equipment. This ensures that all your old data on the IT equipment is reliably and routinely deleted. For this purpose, LGI offers optimal services from purchase to remanufacturing including data deletion to resale.
What makes us so special when it comes to IT asset value recovery and/or the purchasing & reselling of old IT equipment? This year we have already sold up to 30,000 pieces of old equipment for well-known customers and you can also profit from this know-how.
Do you have IT equipment that is no longer used in your company and are looking for a sustainable solution for the recycling of this equipment?
Then simply put your used IT equipment, including accessories, into the capable hands of our experts, which guarantees that you will get the best out of your old equipment.
We offer you a seamless logistics solution with regards to the refurbishment and recycling of your IT assets. From laptops, desktops, workstations, monitors, tablets and servers to smartphones – our experienced employees take care of the cleaning of the equipment, the complete erasure of data using certified data wiping software and the optimal recycling of your hardware at our facilities.
While our employees pick up your old equipment, you can calmly go about dealing with your core business. And we will take care of ours: Our experienced employees record and clean your IT equipment and assign the equipment to a quality level depending on its condition. But we leave nothing to chance here: All monitors are tested for external damage, image quality and pixel errors, among other things. For all other systems with storage media, the equipment is packaged after its data is erased using certified data wiping software and auctioned off for the best possible sales proceeds via a Europe-wide customer network. As your experienced logistics partner, we free up your time and take care of the entire process: from the traditional logistics with secure transport, auction management to shipping and payment handling.
Still not convinced? Then let the numbers speak for themselves: Just call our asset recovery experts or schedule an appointment.
We are not only experts in life cycle management, we are also well known as a strong, global transport and logistics company. Thanks to our many years of customer relationships, we have a wide network with certified and qualified partner companies from which you can profit from the asset recovery of your old equipment.
We manage all partner companies with our integrated and, above all, flexible logistics solutions and we can happily offer you a combination of several services alongside the life cycle management circle. What is special here is the end-to-end responsibility for the entire process sequence. Is this the kind of supplier you were looking for? Then we would be happy to hear from you and set up an appointment.
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